-=ISSUE #3 - PART 3/3=- THIS IS THE FINAL PART OF CY2k! NEWSLETTER. Remember to tell us what *YOU* think of this years Presidential Election! =CONTENTS:= -==========================================================================- =[PART 3/3]= I....SAINTS & PEOPLE II...ENTERTAINMENT III..LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (Opinions, ect.) IV...CONTACT INFO. / CREDITS -==========================================================================- -[=SAINTS & PEOPLE=]- A. BEATIFICATION OF POPE JOHN XXIII: WHO WAS HE? B. BEATIFICATION OF POPE PIUS IX: WHO WAS HE? -==========================================================================- =BEATIFICATION OF POPE JOHN XXIII: WHO WAS HE?= by ibdayna@hotmail.com On September 3rd, 2000, Pope John Paul II beatified Pope John XXIII, but who is John XXIII? He was born Angelo Roncalli on November 25, 1881 in the tiny village of Solto il Monte in Italy. He died on June 3, 1962. As is hopefully true with others, his family had a profound impact on his upbringing, by their good examples and so forth. This, of course, ultimately lead to the priesthood. In his priestly life, he had eight radical changes that helped him to be the person that he was. He was a seminarist, then priest-secretaty to a Bishop, spiritual director of the seminary at Bergamo, president of the Central Council for Italy of the Pontificie Opera Missionarie, Visitor and Apostolic Delegate in the Near East, Nuncio in France, Patriarch of Venice and finally Pope. Pope John, elected at age 77, ruled for less than five years. He was chosen as a transitional pope, yet he ended up recasting the Church's relationship with the modern world. It wasn't just Vatican II, which he called for only 90 days after becoming Pope, but the way Pope John exercised his authority. As he put it, he wanted to be known as a "good shepherd" defending the truth and goodness. He was the first Pope to venture out of the Vatican city-state in a systematic way, making more than 140 trips to jails, orphanages, churches and schools. He wrote several groundbreaking enyclicals, including Mater et Magistra (on Christianity and social progress) and Pacem in Terris (on the need for global peace and justice). He also let it be known that the Church was not afraid of science or its discoveries, and he sparked an ecumenical revival by reaching out to separated Christian churches. Pope John was doubtless one of the best loved Popes of the Church has ever had in its almost 2000-year history. -==========================================================================- =BEATIFICATION OF POPE PIUS IX: WHO WAS HE?= by ibdayna@hotmail.com On September 3, Pope John Paul II also beatified Pope Pius IX. He was born Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti on May 13, 1792 in Sinigaglia, Italy. After he was ordained a priest, he was appointed by Pius VII to serve at Tata Giovanni, the Rome orphanage. Pius VII is also the one who set him on a path in which he had much contact with the poor and forgotten. Pius IX also became one of the first Popes to have had extensive dealings in America. Pius VII sent him to Chile as a 31-year-old. After that, he began his climb through the Church hierarchy in a career marked by his love for the suffering and for peace. His first act as Pope was to grant amnesty to political exiles and prisoners on July 15, 1846, though he was attacked by the political right in the Papal States for the action. Two years later, he promoted the cause of Jewish liberation. In an increasingly anti-Church environment, Pius was pressured by revolutionaries to endorse war between the Papal States and Catholic Austria, but he resisted. As a result of this, the violence became so great that he had to flee in disguise to Gaeta while Rome was ruled by the Church’s persecutors, who abolished the temporal power of the pope. He was able to return to Rome two years later with the help of other European nations. He was a suffering Pope because of the persecution of the Church at that time. He fought fearlessly against the false liberalism which threatened to destroy the very essence of faith and religion. His encyclicals in great detail tell what was happening in Europe at that time. His 1864 encyclical Syllabus Errorum saw the buds of many of the movements that would become full-flowered with violence and oppression in the 20th century. Through his whole life, Pius was very close to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He was the Pope that proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary in 1854. He also opened the First Vatican Council that declared the dogma of papal infallibility in 1870. He fostered the devotion to the Sacred Heart and he consecrated the Catholic world to the Sacred Heart in 1875. For the Church in America, he established the Latin American College in Rome in 1853 and the College of the United States of America in 1859. These allowed American seminarians to study in Rome. Pope Pius reigned for almost 32 years, the longest pontificate since the days of St. Peter, spanning a period of intense Church-state tension in Italy. -==========================================================================- -[=ENTERTAINMENT=]- A. JOKE: ASK ABE B. CATHOLIC MUSIC C. CROSSWORD PUZZLE D. WORD SEARCH -==========================================================================- =JOKE OF THE MONTH= ASK ABE I know this has absolutely nothing to do with religion, but it's a great joke: Bill Clinton went jogging one morning and came upon the Washington monument. He said, "George, what should I do?"After a few seconds George replied, "Abolish the IRS and start over." Bill thought about this for a few seconds and continued jogging. Shortly he came upon the Jefferson Memorial and stopped. He said "Tom, what should I do?" After a few seconds Tom replied, "Abolish welfare and start over." Bill continued jogging after thinking about this and came upon the Lincoln Memorial. He said, "Abe, what should I do?" After a few seconds Abe replied "Why don't you take the night off and go to the theater?" -==========================================================================- =CATHOLIC MUSIC= Looking for some GOOD music? Check out the Catholic JukeBox at http://www.catholicjukebox.com/ or visit Apostle Music, a store dedicated to Contemporary Catholic Music at http://www.apostlemusic.com/ Both these sites even include Rock/Rap and Contemporary/Pop. A few artists found here include: Fr. Stan Fortuna, Angela, John Flynn, Greg Walton, and Critical Mass. (CONTACT: george@apostlemusic.com) -==========================================================================- =WORD SEARCH= Because of lack of time in college, I will be unable to design any Word Searches or Crossword puzzles. If you are interested, in filling this position, please contact us at catholicyc@hotmail.com. -==========================================================================- =CROSSWORD PUZZLE= Please contact catholicyc@hotmail.com if you are interested in filling the position of designing Crossword Puzzles or Word Searches. Thank you. -==========================================================================- -[=LETTERS TO THE EDITOR=]- In this section, we will put select letters we recieve from you, the readers. This month, we are asking for your comments on the November Presidential Election. What do you think of the debates? Who do you want to win? Why? Please try to limit these letters to 200-400 words. Thanks. (Please E-Mail letters to editor@cyc.faithweb.com) -==========================================================================- -[=CONTACT INFO. / CREDITS=]- A. CONTACT INFO. B. CREDITS & COPYRIGHT -==========================================================================- =CONTACT INFO.= Need to contact us? WEBSITE : http://cyc.faithweb.com/ E-MAIL : catholicyc@hotmail.com PHONE : (405)744-1464; (918)455-5684 SNAIL MAIL : CY2k! Newsletter; 819 Willham South; Stillwater, OK 74077 CY2k! Newsletter; 124 W. Jefferson Pl.; Broken Arrow, OK 74011 If you wish to reprint any part of this newsletter, please use one of the above contact info. Parts of articles may be quoted for any purpose only as a quote with correct documentation. -==========================================================================- =CREDITS & COPYRIGHT= PUBLISHED BY: Catholic Youth Center ONLINE EDITOR : Ash Lux (catholicyc@hotmail.com) WRITERS : mc28_kenosha@yahoo.com ibdayna@hotmail.com tbergkamp@yahoo.com orac8000@aol.com Ash Lux (catholicyc@hotmail.com) *IF I HAVE LEFT A WRITER OFF THIS LIST, PLEASE E-MAIL THE EDITOR* -==========================================================================- copyright (c) 2000 Catholic Youth Center ONLINE and the authors of articles. **END OF PART 3/3**